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Latest News from Nutritional Science Study Program

GIZIKLOPEDIA “Blood Enhancing Fruits To Help Overcome Anemia”

GIZIKLOPEDIA “Blood Enhancing Fruits To Help Overcome Anemia”

About Info: Consumption of fruit to prevent anemia Hi Nutrilicious! Meet again with Giziklopedia in September, here. What are we talking about on this occasion? Well, this time Giziklopedia will discuss some fruits that are good for consumption to prevent anemia Very...



SEPTEMBER COMPETITION INFO Hello Nutrilicious! Happy September Nutrilicious. How's college? Hope it goes well. At the beginning of the month, there must be something new, especially if it's not competition info For information on the competition, please check below



TRANSFER OF LEVEL 1 HEALTH CARE FACILITIES There is information about the transfer of level 1 health facilities from UNDIP, especially for students for the 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 Academic Years.

Nutritional Science Study Program Research, Service, and Achievements

Welcome to the Research, Service, and Achievement component of our Nutritional Science Study Program, a dynamic platform where knowledge meets passion to have a meaningful effect in the world of medicine. We take pleasure in our dedication to enabling students, teachers, and staff in their quest of greatness via three key pillars: research, community service, and academic achievement.

Nutritional Appreciation

Nutritional Appreciation 🎊Congrats for the winner🎊 Congratulations to our nutrition friends for the achievements that have been achieved in scenting our beloved 🥰 alma mater 🔸️William Ben Gunawan (Nutrition 2018) and Melly...

Community Service for Adolescent Nutrition Assistance at “Posyandu Remaja” Ngesrep Semarang City

Community Service for Adolescent Nutrition Assistance at “Posyandu Remaja” Ngesrep Semarang City Adolescent Nutrition Assistance at the Youth Nutrition Posyandu of Ngesrep Village, Ngesrep Health Center, Semarang City to achieve the 3rd SDGs Goals is a programmatic...

Nutritional Appreciation

Nutritional Appreciation 🎊Congrats to all the winner🎊 Congratulations to our nutrition friends for the achievements that have been achieved in scenting our beloved 🥰 alma mater 🔸️William Ben Gunawan and Matthew Nathaniel Handoko...

The Result of Outstanding Student Selection 2019

Outstanding Student Selection at Nutrition Study Program Level, Medical Faculty Diponegoro University 2019 has run smoothly. The Selection was held on Thursday, February 28 2019 in Nutrition Science Departement building which was followed by 7 students as finalists....

Research Road Map


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Medical Study Program Sustainable Development Goals

“Diponegoro University, an Indonesian higher education institution, is committed to executing different SDG-related activities. Undip’s faculties, schools, and other entities have all planned plans and initiatives to accomplish the 17 SDGs. This is to help the Indonesian government’s commitment to meeting national SDGs objectives.


Jl. Prof. Mr. Sunario, Kampus Universitas Diponegoro, Tembalang, Semarang 50275
Telp : 024 – 76928010 / 024 – 76928011
Email : dean[at]